Tag Archives: statistics

Object Statistics in Your Data Pipelines (Part 2)

For me, building efficient data pipelines means thinking about performance from day one. And that means a conscious and thoughtful approach to optimizer statistics. It is not just this Autotask, which always runs in the database in the evenings or at weekends and is the responsibility of the DBAs. Every data engineer knows the data to be processed better, knows when and how it is loaded and processed. They should also be better able to recognize when and whether the statistics are critical at certain process steps and therefore when and how the statistics should be collected in the best possible way. That’s their job too! This is my point of view, which I would like to explain and emphasize with the posts in this series

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Object Statistics in Your Data Pipelines

As my electrical engineering lecturer at university used to joke, there are only two faults in electricity: 1) No contact where it is needed. 2) There is contact where it is not needed. You can often think the same way when looking for the causes of a poor execution plan: no stats were gathered when the optimizer needed them for a good execution plan or someone gathered stats when it was inappropriate.

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