Schlagwort-Archive: polymorphic

Polymorphic Table Functions (PTF), Part 4 – Table Semantic PTF

In the first three parts of the series we have seen how a PTF basically works, but we have focused on row-semantic PTF only. In this part we’ll look at the table semantic PTF. As a reminder, the main difference to row-semantic PTF is that it is not enough to look at the currently processed row to produce the result. With table semantic PTF we often also need some summarized state from the previously processed rows. They are useful to implement user defined aggregate or window functions. Let’s first try to implement a very basic example of table semantic PTF and learn more theory as we go. Weiterlesen

Polymorphic Table Functions Example – (NOT) Transposing Rows to Columns

It was not possible for me to write a follow-up to my last post about Transposing Columns To Rows with PTF showing an opposite task of transposing rows to columns right next weekend as I thought. Partly because of our awesome Trivadis TechEvent which took place back then and partly because this kind of the exercise turned out to be much more difficult one as supposed. Actually it is a nice example to see the limitations of the new feature. Weiterlesen

Polymorphic Table Functions Example – Transposing Columns To Rows

Hey, Oracle 18c is now available on the cloud and for engineered systems! For more than a week now. That also means you can play with it at LiveSQL. And of course you can try polymorphic table functions (PTF)! At least I’ve done that this weekend 😉 And here is my first working example. Weiterlesen